Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • There are no conflicts of interest with the research in general, the topic developed in the article, or with the products/items or organizations cited.

Author Guidelines

Contribution or submission policy


Checklist for preparing shipments

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check that their submission meets all the elements shown below. Submissions that do not meet these guidelines will be returned to the authors:

  • 00. The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the Editor)
  • 01. The submission file that contains the text of the article does not contain any authorship data
  • 02. The submission file is in Microsoft Word or RTF format
  • 03. You have used the template provided for writing the article (download the file here)
  • 03. You have duly completed the metadata file (download the file here)
  • 04. You have completed and signed the declaration of originality. (download the file here)
  • 05. Wherever possible, URLs are provided for references
  • 06. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements defined in the Submissions section
  • 07. There are no conflicts of interest with the research in general, the topic addressed in the article, or with the products / items or organizations cited.

Peer review process

In pursuit of scientific quality, the papers received will be firstly submitted to an internal evaluation by one or more members of the editorial committee of the journal, who will evaluate the thematic relevance for the specific number and its general policies; as well as their adaptation to the publication standards, and may be rejected if they do not fit into them, or request modifications to continue with the consideration of the work.

Scientific articles, scientific essays and case studies, after internal evaluation, will be subjected to a peer evaluation process by two external evaluators from the UCASAL Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism. If a mixed result is obtained, a third party will be used.

In all cases, the decision to publish is assumed by the Directorate with the consent of the scientific committee on the basis of the opinions expressed by the referees. The referees are selected from the pool of evaluators that make up the scientific committee of the journal. In case the publication requires it, they may be contacted; on the recommendation of the scientific committee; academics from other disciplines and universities.

The evaluation system is double blind, that is, the confidentiality and anonymity of both authors and reviewers is guaranteed. In order to guarantee, as far as possible, the application of similar criteria when evaluating, specialists are provided with an evaluation form where the required standards are specified. The result (publishable without modifications - with slight modifications - with substantial modifications - not publishable) is communicated to the authors, who have the opportunity to adjust their work according to the recommendations of the referees. In the event that corrections must be made, the authors must respond to such observations as soon as possible. The final file must include the modifications suggested by the evaluators and editors, if any.


Publication frequency and call for submission of contributions

Teks del Sud edits and publishes a number per year in the month of December, with continuous periodicity. Original works related to the field of architectural project, object and technological design, environment & habitat, urban planning, development and historical landscape are accepted, with particular emphasis on the South American context. The call for the presentation of thematic contributions is made during the month of July, while the general call remains open permanently. Both calls will be communicated openly and in a timely manner.

Said contributions are processed as they are applied, considering the deadline for receipt indicated in the call.

In the case of the general call under the open window system, as the collaborations are received, the evaluation process begins, so that once the amount of required texts is completed, the number and everything that entered from there is programmed for the next number.

In both cases, once the review and editing process of an article is finished, it is uploaded to the journal's portal for online reading.

Although journal’s main language is Spanish, contributions in Italian, English, Portuguese and French are accepted as original writing languages to broaden the dissemination of the publication's contents among various academic communities. In those cases, the original versions of the text must be sent accompanied by its translations in Spanish.


Model Document for the preparation of articles

For the purpose of facilitating the editorial process in its different phases, the articles must be sent replacing or completing the fields of the model document (download model document here), whose general format conforms to what is required in the formats and graphic styles section (font, margins, spacing, etc. .).

Remember that other formats or file types will not be accepted and that all fields are mandatory, except where otherwise indicated. For more information on how to complete each field, you can refer to the previously mentioned section.


Article structure

Without being mandatory, it is proposed to use the IMRyD format (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion). As a point of reference, the following typologies and definitions can be taken from the Publindex Bibliographic Index (2010):

Title and authorship: The title should be concise and informative, if possible not exceed 15 words. If a subtitle is used, it should be understood as a complement to the title or indicate the subdivisions of the text. The title of the article must be sent in Spanish and English. On the next line, in parentheses, clarify the textual type in question (see for more information within the model document).

The authorship of the text (maximum 2) must provide both surnames and full names or according to ORCID (https://orcid.org).

Summary and keywords: The abstract, written in Spanish and English, should synthesize the objectives of the work, the methodology used and the main conclusions, highlighting the original contributions of the same. It should contain between 150 and 200 words.

Likewise, it must include between 3 and 5 keywords (in Spanish and English), which serve to classify the article thematically. It is recommended to use words included in the UNESCO thesaurus or in the Network of Architecture Libraries of Buenos Aires Vitruvius

In the case of a bibliographic review, only the following components will be included:

  • 00. Bibliographic record of the book reviewed, according to APA standards
  • 01. Review class (descriptive / critical)
  • 02. Text of the review (up to 3,000 words)


Contributions and submissions

The works will be sent to the page that Teks del Sud has within the OJS portal of the Catholic University of Salta. Authors must register in the system and follow the steps indicated, where the data corresponding to their authorship and affiliation will be recorded. Since the journal uses a double-blind reference system, the author should not enter his name or institutional affiliation under the title of the work. Own works may be cited and referenced (for example, previous articles). Editors will subsequently use the institutional affiliation and author profile uploaded when registering with the OJS system.

In Teks del Sud the submission, processing and revision of the texts has no cost for whoever sends their contribution. He must verify that his shipment matches the following checklist:

  • 00. The submission is original and has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal.
  • 01. The texts comply with all the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Rules for authors.
  • 02. The title of the article is in Spanish and English and does not exceed 15 words. The abstract is 150-200 words long and is accompanied by 3-5 keywords. Both the abstract and the keywords are in Spanish and English.
  • 03. A biographical profile of the person submitting the contribution is provided, of no more than 100 words, accompanied by institutional affiliation and country.
  • 04. The images to illustrate the article (between 8 to 10) are formatted as detailed in the section “Images, figures and graphics” of this page. Each image has its explanatory legend.
  • 05. Vector files such as technical drawings or construction documentation are sent in .dwg, .dxf, .pdf or .3dm format.
  • 06. The authors know and accept each of the ethical behavior standards defined in the Code of Conduct and Good Practices detailed on this page.
  • 07. The complete and signed Transfer of Rights form is attached, either digitally or analogically, for those who contribute with their academic work.
  • 08. The authors send the supporting data of the investigations and make their deposit in accordance with Law 26.899 / 2013 of the Argentine Republic, Institutional Repositories of Open Access.


In case of any difficulties in the submission, please write to [email protected] so that the Editor of the journal can assist you in the process.


Graphic Styles and Formats

Page layout

The file that is received must be in Letter page format, landscape, with margins of 20.3 mm on the left and right, 15.2 mm bottom and top. The font will be Open Sans 12 with single line spacing and left alignment.


Images, figures and graphics

The images, between 8 and 10 per article, must have a resolution of 300 dpi in color. The 300 dpi must be real, without forcing through editing programs. Its dimensions may be some of the following:


Square images (width x height, in pixels)

1080 x 1080 px; 2160 x 2160 px


Vertical images (width x height, in pixels)

1080 x 2160 px


Horizontal images (width x height, in pixels)

2160 x 1080 px; 3240 x 1080 px; 3240 x 2160 px


The images must be sent separately to the text file, in jpg, png or tiff format. In their file name they must be numbered according to their order of appearance in the text.

Vector files such as technical drawings or work documentation should be sent in .dwg, .dxf, .pdf or .3dm format.

Both the figures (graphs, diagrams, illustrations, plans, maps or photographs) and the tables must be numbered and must be accompanied by a title or explanatory legend that does not exceed 15 words and its origin. In the text, the precise place where the figures should be inserted must be indicated by inserting the legend "[Insert Figure 1 here]"

Ex .:

Fig. 1. Process of…. (Stahl and Klauer, 2008, p. 573).

The image must also be referenced in the text of the article, abbreviated and in parentheses. Ex .:

The internal axes of the walls and the combination of bodies of the buildings (Fig. 2), and then move on to a detailed study.

The author is responsible for acquiring the rights or authorizations to reproduce images or graphics that have been taken from other sources as well as interviews or material generated by collaborators other than the authors.



Tables must be numbered with Arabic numerals in the order in which they are cited in the text (Ex: Table 1). They should contain a brief descriptive legend. The tables should not duplicate the information that has been developed in the work, but rather complement it.


Text sections

Text sections should be headed with subheadings, not numbers. First order subtitles are indicated in bold and second order in italics. Only in exceptional cases will the use of third-order subtitles be allowed, which will be indicated in normal characters.

An extension of the works that does not exceed 25 A4 pages (with figures and tables included) is recommended. Check the number of words recommended by textual type.


Emphasis of terms

The words or expressions that you want to emphasize, the titles of books, newspapers, movies, TV shows are in italics. Avoid using UPPER CASE in whole words. Avoid using underlining or bold in the body of the text.


Use of measurements

They go with a period and not a comma.


Complete names

In the case of citing proper names, they must be mentioned at the first opportunity with their full names and surnames. Then just the last name.


Use of acronyms

In case of using acronyms, the full equivalence must be provided the first time it is mentioned in the text and the acronym must be enclosed in parentheses. In the case of citing recognized characters, they must be mentioned with their full names and surnames.



Short citations (less than 40 words) should be incorporated into the text. If the quotation is greater than 40 words it must be placed in a separate paragraph with continuous indentation without quotation marks. It is advisable to cite in the original language. If this differs from the language of the article, the translation is added below, between brackets. The citation must include the reference (Surname, year, p. Page number).


Citation in the text

00. An author: (Surname, year, p. Page number). Eg (Purcell, 1997, pp. 111-112) or Benjamin (1934) stated….

01. Two authors: Ex. Quantrín and Rosales (2015) affirm …… or (Quantrín and Rosales, 2015, p.15).

02. Three to five authors: When they are cited for the first time, all surnames are named, then only the first and et al. Are added. Eg Machado, Rodríguez, Álvarez and Martínez (2005) claim that… / In other experiments the authors found that… (Machado et al., 2005).

03. Corporate or institutional author with acronyms or abbreviations: the first citation is placed with the full name of the organization and then the abbreviation can be used. Ex. Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC, 2016) and then OPEC (2016).

04. Corporate or institutional author without acronyms or abbreviations. Eg Instituto Cervantes (2012), (Instituto Cervantes, 2012).

05. Translations and reissues. If an edition other than the original has been used (translation, reissue, etc.), it is placed in the body of the text: Surname (year corresponding to the first edition / year corresponding to the edition used). Eg Pérez (2000/2019)


When the publication date is unknown, the year of the translation used is cited. Eg (Aristotle, trad. 1976)



Notes can be used when you want to expand on a concept or add a comment without interrupting the continuity of the speech. They should only be used in cases where they are strictly necessary for the intellection of the text. Notes are not used to place the bibliography. Submissions to notes are indicated in the text by means of a superscript. The section containing the notes is located at the end of the manuscript, before the bibliographic references. They should not exceed 40 words, otherwise they should be incorporated into the text.



All citations, including your own in order not to incur self-plagiarism, must correspond to a bibliographic reference ordered alphabetically. Any source that is not referenced in the text should not be included in the bibliographic list.


00. One author: Last name, First name initials. (Year of publication). Title of the book in italics. Publishing place: Editorial. Exs.

Mankiw, N. G. (2014). Macroeconomía. Barcelona, España: Antoni Bosch.

Apellido, A. A. (1997). Título del libro en cursiva. Recuperado de http://www.xxxxxxx

Apellido, A. A. (2006). Título del libro en cursiva. doi:xxxxx


01. Shared authorship

Gentile P. y Dannone M. A. (2003). La entropía. Buenos Aires, Argentina: EUDEBA.


02. If it is a translation: Surname, author name (year). Title. (initials of the first and last name, Trad.). City, country: Editorial (Original work published in year of publication of the original). Ex.

Laplace, P. S. (1951). Ensayo de estética. (F. W. Truscott, Trad.). Buenos Aires, Argentina: Siglo XXI (Trabajo original publicado en 1814).


03. Non-dated work

Martínez Baca, F. (s. f.). Los tatuajes. Puebla, México: Tipografía de la Oficina del Timbre.


04. Several works by an author with the same year

López, C. (1995a). La política portuaria argentina del siglo XIX. Córdoba, Argentina: Alcan.

López, C. (1995b). Los anarquistas. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Tonini.


05. If it is a compilation or edition: Surname, A. A. (Ed.). (1986). Title of the book. Publishing place: Editorial. Ex.

Wilber, K. (Ed.). (1997). El paradigma holográfico. Barcelona, España: Kairós.


06. Book in electronic version: Surname, A. A. (Year). Qualification. Recovered from http://www.xxxxxx.xxx. Ex.

De Jesús Domínguez, J. (1887). La autonomía administrativa en Puerto Rico. Recuperado de http://memory.loc.gov/monitor/oct00/workplace.html


07. Book chapter

07.00. Published on paper, with publisher: Surname, A. A., and Surname, B. B. (Year). Title of the chapter or entry. In A. A. Surname. (Ed.), Book Title (pp. Xx-xx). City, country: publisher. Ex.

Flores, M. (2012). Legalidad, leyes y ciudadanía. En F. A. Zannoni (Ed.), Estudios sobre derecho y ciudadanía en Argentina (pp. 61-130). Córdoba, Argentina: EDIUNC.


07.01. Without editor

McLuhan, M. (1988). Prólogo. En La galaxia de Gutenberg: génesis del homo typhografifcus (pp. 7-19). Barcelona, España: Galaxia de Gutenberg.


07.02. Digital with DOI

Albarracín, D. (2002). Cognition in persuasion: An analysis of information processing in response to persuasive communications. En M. P. Zanna (Ed.), Advances in experimental social psychology (Vol. 3, pp. 61–130). doi:10.1016/S0065-2601(02)80004-1


07.03. Thesis and dissertations: Surname, A. (Year). Thesis title (Bachelor's thesis, master's or doctoral thesis). Name of the Institution, Place. Recovered from www.xxxxxxx. Ex.

Santos, S. (2000). Las normas de convivencia en la sociedad francesa del siglo XVIII (Tesis doctoral). Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Argentina. Recuperado de http://www.untref.edu.ar/5780/1/ECSRAP.F07.pdf


07.04. Printed article: Surname, A. A. (Date). Article title. Name of the journal, volume (number if applicable), pages. Ex.

Gastaldi, H. y Bruner, T. A. (1971). El verbo en infinitivo y su uso. Lingüística aplicada, 22(2), 101-113.

Daer, J. y Linden, I. H. (2008). La fiesta popular en México a partir del estudio de un caso. Perífrasis, 8(1), 73-82.


07.05. Online article: Surname, A. A. (Year). Article title. Name of the magazine, volume, number, pages. Retrieved from http: // Ex.

Capuano, R. C., Stubrin, P. y Carloni, D. (1997). Estudio, prevención y diagnóstico de dengue. Medicina, 54, 337-343. Recuperado de http://www.trend-statement.org/asp/documents/statements/AJPH_Mar2004_Trendstatement.pdf

Sillick, T. J. y Schutte, N. S. (2006). Emotional intelligence and self-esteem mediate between perceived early parental love and adult happiness. E-Journal of Applied Psychology, 2(2), 38-48. Recuperado de http://ojs.lib.swin.edu.au /index. php/ejap


07.06. Newspaper article

Briscoe, R. (en prensa). Egocentric spatial representation in action and perception. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. Recuperado de http://cogprints .org/5780/1/ECSRAP.F07.pdf


07.07. Journal

With explicit authorship: Surname A. A. (Date). Article title. Name of the newspaper, pp-pp. Ex

Pérez, J. (2000, febrero 4). Incendio en la Patagonia. La razón, p. 23.

Silva, B. (2019, junio 26). Polémica por decisión judicial. La capital, pp. 23-28.


Without explicit authorship: Note title. (Date). Name of the newspaper, p. Ex.

Incendio en la Patagonia. (2000, agosto 7). La razón, p. 23.


Online: Surname, A. A. (Date). Article title. Name of the newspaper. Recovered from… .Ex.

Pérez, J. (2019, febrero 26). Incendio en la Patagonia. Diario Veloz. Recuperado de http://m.diarioveloz.com/notas/48303-siguen-los-incendios-la-patagonia


07.08. Symposium or conference in congress: Surname, A. (Date). Title of the presentation. In A. Surname of the person who presided over the congress (Presidency), Title of the symposium or congress. Symposium held at the congress. Name of the organization, Place. Ex.

Manrique, D. (Junio de 2011). Evolución en el estudio y conceptualización de la consciencia. En H. Castillo (Presidencia), El psicoanálisis en Latinoamérica. Simposio llevado a cabo en el XXXIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Psicología, Río Cuarto, Argentina.


07.09. Archival materials: Surname, A. A. (Year, month, day). Title of the material. [Material description]. Name of the collection (Number, Box Number, File Number, etc.). Name and location of the repository.


07.10. Letter from a repository

Gómez, L. (1935, febrero 4). [Carta a Alfredo Varela]. Archivo Alfredo Varela (GEB serie 1.3, Caja 371, Carpeta 33), Córdoba, Argentina.


07.11. Personal communications, emails, informal interviews, personal letters, etc.

K. Lutes (comunicación personal, abril 18, 2001)

(V.-G. Nguyen, comunicación personal, septiembre 28, 1998)


These communications should not be included in the references.


07.12. Laws, decrees, resolutions etc: Law, decree, resolution, etc. number (Year of publication, month and day). Title of the law, decree, resolution, etc. Publication. City Country.


Any other situation not contemplated will be resolved according to the APA Standards (American Psychological Association) 6th edition.


Sections Policy

Disclosure Notes

An article of dissemination is a brief writing, directed to a general public, characterized by having a common and understandable language with the purpose of transmitting and explaining certain discoveries, ideas, facts or concepts on the issues concerning the magazine in general, or to the theme raised in particular. Its extension is between 3,000 to 7,000 words.


This section collects the scientific and academic articles that comply with the norms for authors established by the journal, and that have passed through the peer evaluation system. This textual type must have between 7 thousand and 10 thousand words, including abstract, notes and bibliography.

In turn, it is fulfilled with essays that address the theme of number without adhering to the structure of a scientific work but that manage to make a significant contribution to the reflection proposed in each number. This textual type must have between 3,000 to 10,000 words.

Cases & reviews

They consist of analyzes of built works, unbuilt architecture projects, and book reviews in the field of architecture, heritage, landscape, and urban planning. Said review may have a descriptive or critical character, a character that must be made explicit in the bibliographic technical sheet to be prepared. Its length should not exceed 3,000 words.

Studio Experiences

It is a short writing characterized by addressing some subject of the chair, in the didactic, bibliographic and / or professional results order. The areas for the thematic approach should be contained in relation to Argentine Ministerial Resolution 498/06, namely: project and planning, communication and form, critical history and theory, basic sciences. Its length should not exceed 5,000 words.

Biographic experiences & Interviews

This section proposes to open the dialogue to the issue addressed in the issue under the format of interviews or autobiographical stories that collect reflective experiences in the first person or between people. This textual type must have between 3,000 to 6,000 words.

The indication of the length of the different types of texts is for illustrative purposes and to provide the author with a basic parameter. Therefore, failure to comply with this requirement will not be exclusive in the evaluator's decision.

The different publication formats that make up the journal must comply with the publication standards for authors that are governed by the standards of the American Psychological Association (APA).

Proyectos destacados

Selección de los mejores proyectos de la asignatura Diseño, FAU UCASAL

Privacy Statement

Privacy Policy


General commitments of the editorial committee

The Editorial Committee of Teks del Sud is committed to ensuring compliance with the established editorial due process.


Delivery of information related to a publication

All the information provided by those who collaborate in the editorial process of the journal is archived in their own databases. They may exercise their rights to know, update, rectify and delete their personal data if they consider it so.


Interaction with the authors

The editorial team of Teks del Sud is committed to maintain the confidentiality of the articles received and not to use data, arguments or interpretations in its own research until the article is published with express reference to its origin. Likewise, the editorial team guarantees impartiality and adequate management of the articles received.

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated in it and will not be provided to third parties or for use for other purposes.

Each author and each evaluator will receive, after the journal in which they contributed publication, a certificate of participation in digital format.


Interaction with the evaluators

Teks del Sud guarantees the anonymity of the works received by the evaluators. It undertakes to make their selection objectively based on the established theme. Before each delivery for evaluation, acceptance of receipt and compliance with the time established for the requested return must be given.

Regarding criticism of published articles

Each evaluator receives a form defined by the editorial committee that must be completed objectively, justifying its position. Once the two evaluations of each article are received, which are made by external peers, they are sent to the author for their knowledge, in cases in which the article was accepted without recommendations or rejected, or so that the author can incorporate the suggestions made by the evaluators. in the case of requesting corrections. Teks del Sud guarantees confidentiality in the case of possible clarifications, claims or complaints that an author wishes to send in any case.


Ethical-academic integrity

The editorial team of Teks del Sud is committed to the scientific community by guaranteeing the ethics and quality of the articles it publishes. The journal adheres to the Code of Conduct and Good Practices established by the Committee on Publication Ethics or COPE, the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and the Code of Conduct for Journals Publishers.

In compliance with this code, the journal will ensure the scientific quality of the publications and the adequate response to the needs of readers and authors. The code reaches all parties involved in the editorial process of the magazine. The Editorial Committee undertakes to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when necessary.


Commercial Aspects

Teks del Sud is a digitally distributed, non-profit journal, guaranteeing open access to any of its contents. Likewise, it does not financially reward its collaborators for their participation, regardless of whether they act as reviewers or writers.


Conflict of interests

In any case, the existence of commercial, financial or private ties with people or institutions that may have interests related to the works published in the magazine must be reported.


Plagiarism and self-plagiarism

Teks del Sud submits all the articles it receives to the detection of plagiarism and / or self-plagiarism. In the event that this is totally or partially detected (without the corresponding citation), the text does not begin the editorial process established by the journal and the respective notification is given to the author immediately.