La pericia psicológica en casos de violencias de género. Atención a personas imputadas y condenadas.

  • Celina Ines Quiroga Universidad Católica de Salta


This article arises from the results obtained in the final degree project for the Bachelor of Psychology at the Catholic University of Salta. This work consisted of an academic internship carried out in an area intended to care for people accused and convicted of criminal jurisdiction of the Psychology Service of the Judicial Branch of the Province of Salta-Central District in the year 2023. The main objective was to acquire theoretical-practical skills of legal-forensic psychology for the care of accused and convicted individuals in cases of gender-based violence. For field work, different methodological tools were implemented such as participant observation, reading of institutional documents, psychometric and projective psychological techniques, field log and semi-directed psychological interviews with users of the Psychology Service. Based on the work carried out throughout the academic internship, it is concluded that the practice of the forensic psychologist in the processes of psychological expertise must be crossed by the perspective of Human Rights and gender. Furthermore, the professional must have a point of view that humanizes the practices and interventions in the judicial system.


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How to Cite
Quiroga, C. I. (2024). La pericia psicológica en casos de violencias de género. Atención a personas imputadas y condenadas. Intersticios, 3(3), 85-93.
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