Systematization of the international collaborative online learning experience and research processes between two universities in Argentina and Colombia

Keywords: Academic exchange, international mobility and international collaborative learning.


This article systematizes the experience of internationalization between two institutions of higher education in Argentina and Colombia, particularly the Universidad Católica de Salta and La Salle, respectively, in the framework of a postgraduate academic exchange at doctoral level in the area of Education. The research methodology had a qualitative, documentary approach, which started with a conceptual review of the processes of international academic exchange, to then identify the strategic guidelines and internationalization policies of both institutions, from the guiding documents that support the strategic lines of each organization, to then identify the strategic factors in common and describe the international practical experience that allowed strengthening research, teaching, exchange and international collaborative learning processes (COIL, Collaborative Online International Learning) that connected students and teachers of the participating universities.


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Author Biography

Español, Facultad de Arte, Comunicación y Cultura. Universitaria Agustiniana. Comunicación Social.


PhD. Educación y Sociedad. Doctora y Magíster en Educación.  Especialista en Mercadeo de Servicios y Pedagogía para la Docencia Universitaria. Investigadora categorizada en Junior ante el Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología de Colombia y Par Académico del Ministerio de Educación Nacional. Trayectoria en procesos editoriales y proyectos investigativos y de docencia en las áreas de Comunicación – Educación y Mercadeo de Servicios. 




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How to Cite
Salazar Acosta, L. M., & Ladino Marín, P. C. (2024). Systematization of the international collaborative online learning experience and research processes between two universities in Argentina and Colombia. Intersticios, 3(3), 35-50.
Scientific Articles